Resolve Canon error code B504

How to fix Canon error code B504

Do you have experience with Canon error code B504 while dealing with it? You've arrived at the right destination! Before you know the mechanism by which you can solve the mistake, you need to consider the simple explanation behind it and then function accordingly.

It typically occurs to printers who print head as printers get overheated and may experience self-destruction. This error happens when there is no supply of ink to the print head to keep it cold. This can occur when the cartridge is fully dry or no ink is running through the cartridge. So when you try to inject a new cartridge into it happens that the printer doesn't have any ink available in the printhead, and that's when the b504 error is registered.

This is therefore the fundamental explanation behind the error code. Now, here are a few methods that you can use to fix this error in your printer.

Here are the best steps to resolve Canon error code B504:

  1. First of all, turn off your printer and cut all the power cables attached to it.
  2. Now you need to open the front cover to move the print cart manually.
  3. If you are unable to move the print cart, connect the cables back in and turn the printer on to move the cart to a movable state.
  4. Now you need to figure out which cartridges you want to change. Place your index finger and press on the fastener.
  5. The cartridge will be ejected as soon as you press. Modify the other cartridges by using the same protocol.
  6. Close the cover until you're finished.
  7. Plug it back in your printer to reset it.

Content Source: Canon error code B504


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